Instituto de Investigación e Ingeniería Ambiental

Ciclo de Conferencias 2015: Daniel Nývlt

El miércoles 15 de abril a las 16 en el 3er piso del Edificio del 3iA, se realizará una nueva actividad del ciclo con el profesor Nývlt, galardonado con el “Premio de Dean” de la Facultad de Ciencias a la mejor tesis de Ph.D.  La charla será en inglés y luego se aceptarán preguntas en castellano.

Nývlt ha trabajado para el Servicio Geológico checo desde 1998 como especialista cuaternario, jefe de Sección y director adjunto de la rama de Brno. Es profesor asociado en el Departamento de Geografía, Universidad Masaryk. Tiene experiencia en la investigación geomorfológica y geológica en cinco continentes (Europa, Asia , Norte y Sur América , el Ártico y la Antártida), se unió a 13 expediciones de investigación a la Antártida , Svalbard y Groenlandia. Con frecuencia publica los resultados en revistas y libros internacionales, y es coautor de numerosos mapas geológicos y geomorfológicos; además, proporciona revisiones para revistas científicas internacionales.


The use of multi-proxy lake records to reconstruct Holocene environmental changes of marginal part of Antarctica, Daniel Nývlt

The James Ross Island archipelago bear one of the largest ice-free area at the northern tip of Antarctic Peninsula, where different types of lakes evolved after the deglaciation. Deglaciation of the area started approximately at 12.9 ka and the oldest lakes on low-lying areas originated therefore during the Pleistocene/Holocene transition. However, neoglacial advance of local glaciers from the Mid- and Late- Holocene times are also known and numerous lakes evolved after the retreats of these neoglacial advances and are therefore few thousands, or even only few hundreds years old. Multi-proxy records covering various physical, chemical and biological data help to reconstruct past environmental and climatic changes in lake catchments of this marginal part of Antarctica. Best records from this are originates from Monolith Lake on James Ross Island, Esmeralda Lake on Vega Island; Beak 2 Lake on Beak Island, or Boeckella Lake in Hope Bay, Antarctic Peninsula. The lecture will present results of international research activities (mainly Argentinean-Czech collaboration) to reconstruct part environmental conditions and to compare lake records with ice-core records at the northernmost Antarctic Peninsula and with other lake records in Antarctica.


Assoc. Prof. Daniel Nývlt, PhD. (*1976), graduated from the Charles University, Prague in 1999 and completed Ph.D. in 2008 at the Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology, Charles University in Prague, for which he has been awarded the “Dean’s Prize” of Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague for the best Ph.D. thesis. He received Associate Professorship for Physical Geography at the same faculty in 2015. He has worked for the Czech Geological Survey since 1998 as a Quaternary specialist, Head of Section or Deputy director of Brno branch and is based as Associate Professor at the Department of Geography, Masaryk University now. He has experience with geomorphological and geological research at five continents (Europe, Asia, Northern and Southern America, the Arctic and Antarctica), joined 13 research expeditions to Antarctica, Svalbard and Greenland, frequently publishes results in international journals and books and is a co-author of numerous geological and geomorphological maps and provides reviews for international scientific journals. His research is focused on a wide range of scientific disciplines of Quaternary Geology and Physical Geography from sedimentology, palaeoclimatology, glacial geology, geomorphology, through stratigraphy and glaciology towards geochronology, ecology, natural hazards and remote sensing. He gives advance courses on Quaternary Geology and Palaeogeography; Geomorphology; Glaciers of the Earth and Physical Geography and Ecology of Polar Regions at the Faculty of Science, Masaryk University in Brno, the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague and the Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. He is Co-editor of Bulletin of Geosciences and member of editorial boards of the Journal of Geological Sciences – Anthropozoic and Czech Polar Reports. He is the head of the Czech Subcommision on Quaternary Stratigraphy and voting member of the Czech Commission on Stratigraphy and the Czech co-delegate to the Commission on Environmental Protection of the Antarctic Treaty System. D. Nývlt cooperates with researchers from France, UK, Argentina, Norway, Germany, Poland, Russia, or Portugal. He is an author or co-author of nearly 100 reviewed scientific articles or book chapters with 22 of them being WOS-listed; times cited: 174; h-index: 9. See


Selected publications on Antarctic topics

Košler, J., Magna, T., Mlčoch, B., Mixa, P., Nývlt, D., Holub, F.V., 2009. Combined Sr, Nd, Pb and Li isotope geochemistry of alkaline lavas from northern James Ross Island (Antarctic Peninsula) and implications for back-arc magma formation. Chem. Geol., 258, 207–218.

Svojtka, M., Nývlt, D., Murakami, M., Vávrová, J., Filip, J., Mixa, P., 2009. Provenance and post-depositional low-temperature evolution of the James Ross Basin sedimentary rocks (Antarctic Peninsula) based on fission track analysis. Ant. Sci., 21, 593–607.

Nývlt, D., Košler, J., Mlčoch, B., Mixa, P., Lisá, L., Bubík, M., Hendriks, B.W.H., 2011. The Mendel Formation: Evidence for Late Miocene climatic cyclicity at the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 299, 363–384.

Carrivick, J.L., Davies, B.J., Glasser, N.F., Nývlt, D., Hambrey, M.J., 2012. Late Holocene changes in character and behaviour of land-terminating glaciers on James Ross Island, Antarctica. J. Glaciol. 58, 1176–1190.

Engel, Z., Nývlt, D., Láska, K., 2012. Ice thickness, areal and volumetric changes of Davies Dome and Whisky Glacier (James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula) in 1979–2006. J. Glaciol. 58, 904–914.

Švábenická, L., Vodrážka, R., Nývlt, D., 2012. Calcareous Nannofossils from the Upper Cretaceous of the northern James Ross Island, Antarctica. Geol. Quart., 56, 765–772.

Davies, B.J., Glasser, N.F., Carrivick, J.L., Hambrey, M.J., Smellie, J.L., Nývlt, D., 2013. Landscape evolution and ice–sheet behaviour in a semi–arid polar environment: James Ross Island, NE Antarctic Peninsula. In: Hambrey, M.J. et al.: Antarctic Palaeoenvironments and Earth-Surface Processes. Geol. Soc. London, Spec. Publ. 381, 353–395.

Kopalová, K., Nedbalová, L., Nývlt, D., Elster, J., Van de Vijver, B., 2013. Diversity, ecology and biogeography of the freshwater diatom communities from Ulu Peninsula (James Ross Island, NE Antarctic Peninsula). Pol. Biol., 36, 933–948.

Nedbalová, L., Nývlt, D., Kopáček, J., Šobr, M., Elster, J., 2013. Freshwater lakes of Ulu Peninsula, James Ross Island, north-east Antarctic Peninsula: origin, geomorphology and physical and chemical limnology. Ant. Sci. 25, 358–372.

Nývlt, D., Braucher, R., Engel, Z., Mlčoch, B., ASTER Team, 2014. Timing of the Northern Prince Gustav Ice Stream retreat and the deglaciation of northern James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula during the last glacial–interglacial transition. Quat. Res. 82, 441–449.

Nehyba, S., Nývlt, D., 2015. “Bottomsets“ of the lava-fed delta of James Ross Island Volcanic Group, Ulu Peninsula, James Ross Island, Antarctica. Pol. Polar Res. 36, 1–24.

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Nota actualizada el 14 de abril de 2015

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