Escuela de Ciencia y Tecnología

Morten Nielsen dictó un seminario sobre bioinformática

El jueves 10 marzo, el docente e investigador del Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas (IIB) brindó en el Labo Cluster del Campus Miguelete el seminario Using Machine Learning to Characterize Receptor Binding Motifs.

Resumen: Data mining and machine learning are two central areas of bioinformatics. During the last decades, we have in my group developed a large panel of machine learning methods suitable for data mining and pattern recognition in biological data. Most of the methods are hybrids of standard machine learning methods including linear regression, Gibbs sampling, and artificial neural networks. Although very simple, these methods have proven highly accurate when it comes to the extraction of receptor binding motifs from complex data. In my presentation, I will describe the background of some of these methods, illustrate their functionality on biological data.



Nota actualizada el 10 de marzo de 2016

Un comentario

  1. Jorge Ruiz dice:

    Estimado amigo felicitaciones,por su gran labor q es muy interesante .

    que parte de nuestra PACHA MAMA para el sumak kawsay

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