Escuela IDAES

Winter School on “Advanced Topics in Political Economy”

For advanced students and recent graduates of Economics and related fields from Latin American and the Caribbean

Versión en español

The International Development Economics Associates (IDEAs) network, the Center for Economic Development Studies (CEED) and the Master’s Program in Development Economics (MDE) of the Interdisciplinary School on Advanced Social Studies (EIDAES-UNSAM) invite advanced students and recent graduates of Economics and related fields from Latin America and the Caribbean to the Winter School on “Advanced Topics in Political Economy”. This tenth edition, the first to be held in collaboration with IDEAs, will take place between July 31st and August 4th in Buenos Aires.

The Winter School will offer participants a comprehensive overview of the different heterodox schools of thought, which are typically not covered in undergraduate programs, and their application and relevance to the Latin American and Caribbean context. Additionally, interaction and discussion with lecturers and among participants will be encouraged.

Limited funding is available for young scholars from Latin American and the Caribbean countries (excepting students from the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires).

Admission requirements: Applicants should be advanced students of Economics and related fields or recent graduates. Admissions will be based on academic background (limited availability).

Registration deadline: June 30th, 2023

Results of the admission process: July 5th, 2023

Registration process: complete this registration form and send CV and certifications via email to


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Nota actualizada el 10 de junio de 2023

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