Micrositios, Study Abroad

Nordic students will study a semester at UNSAM

A delegation of 72 Nordic students arrived at UNSAM to study a semester in the Study Abroad Program. Daniel Di Gregorio, Vice-President, accompanied them during their first visit to the Miguelete Campus.

Video-interviews: Gaspar Grieco/ Pablo Carrera Oser

Students come from different universities of Norway, Finland, Sweden and Denmark. They started their classes at Volta Building March 30. Until the middle of May, every Thursday, they will be on campus attending Spanish and Argentine History courses.


“Welcome to our home, Universidad Nacional de San Martín”, greeted Daniel Di Gregorio. Dr Di Gregorio gave a short presentation of UNSAM in IIB-INTECH auditorium. “We want our university to be a challenging arena for innovation, investigation and teaching” stated Di Gregorio.

Finally, they had a campus tour with Monica Bologna, Director of Study Abroad Program.


Nota actualizada el 5 de septiembre de 2017

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